There ar two font-like basins behind magical barriers (L1). There are a few items such as rubies and spirtual herbs just lying around. After you have disposed of them you come to another locked door to a moturary which is guarded by a few undead. Six or seven undead are behind this gate. Alternatively you can search the north wall of the corridor to the east and find a secret passage which bypasses the bridge and leads to a gate which can be opened with the stone (marble) key. If your Tool Use is high enough you can avoid the trap and pass over the bridge. The sarcophagus has a nice lot of jewlery.ĭirectly north of the entrance is a bridge over a chasm with a trapped section in the middle. Further north is a locked crypt with a vampire, four Draining Slimes and a Writhing Mass. This key is probably the Stone Key you (hopfully) found on the battlefield there. In each of the sarcophagi in this crypt is a parchment that tells you this cave was built for someone named Drath and that the writers of the parchment found a marble key which they were taking with them to meet up with some people near the Cave of Motrax. The crypt north of this one is also open and here are four Draining Slimes. Just north of this chamber is another crypt this time guarded by three Vengeful Shades. In the SW corner three Banshees are guarding a sarcophagus containing a Gold Bar, a Scroll – Spineshield and a Fine Robe. There are five crypts in the first part of the cave. It's a fishing game and the same cipher.Just inside are the fiirst undead – some Revenants. $$56-57M references another Mullins title called Beneath the Surface.It was the only creature in the game that had pacifism, and this word has the same number of letters as Birchkin. B1RCHK1N Birchkin is a reference to a demo that Daniel Mullins created called Catch Monsters that was never published.MANATEE# becomes ANTONY# which is a reference to a custom card that Daniel Mullins made for the card game Smash Up!This card's name was Manatee Antony.
This was recently updated, and all players have to do is download it, add a file into the game's folder called cipher.cipher, and the new code will pop up once the player beats the demo: WHTL!ESAHEAD The original title of the game was Sacrifices Must Be Made, and players can still download that original game and its components. BCK2B3GNN!NG is all about the original release of Inscryption on itch.io.

This makes the third clue 3BCK2B3GNN!NG|MANATEE#|B1RCHK1N$$56-57M in the indie horror game Inscryption.